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What's new in the world of acoustic guitars?


Order the "12 Significant Others" CD 

This CD is the result of eleven years of composing and two years of arranging and recording. Twelve solo guitar pieces were re-arranged for multiple guitars and were recorded, mixed and mastered at ForestSounds Studio. Every single sound on the album (with the exception of some water effects for the album's introduction) was produced by an acoustic guitar, and that includes the percussion that can be heard on some of the tracks. Some pieces remained solo performances, while others were arranged for up to nine guitars! The album contains a wild range of styles, ranging from classically flavoured music to Travis-picking country pieces and even some acoustic symphonic rock stuff.

Print free sheet music 

We believe that music should be heard by as many people as possible. But also, that it should be played by anyone willing to and able to. That's why we decided to publish the sheet music for almost all compositions. And better yet: it's totally free!!! The sheet music was made using the Sibelius software, and in order to see and print it, you need their free Sibelius-reader plug-in. This is explained when clicking on the link above.

Latest Studio News (february 2011)

Project Bach had a great start!

Project Bach has finally had a successful kick-off.
For this project, I'll play and record every movement from Bach's unaccompanied cello suites on acoustic guitar.
For each movement, I will make a high quality audio recording, to be published on this website. I'll also put the sheet music up here, containing the guitar arrangement I played, in both standard notation and guitar TAB. Finally, I will make a video of each piece, and publish these on my YouTube channel.
Read all there is to know on the Project Bach page.

Latest Site News (june 24th, 2011)

  • PDFs of Suite 2 Prelude added to Project Bach page.