Da Montagne Spanish Guitar


Ah, a spanish guitar. Romantic, aren't we?

Well, I'm a big softie inside, I admit it.
This guitar was the second proper instrument I bought. I already owned a low budget classical guitar, and back then I was convinced that steel string guitars simply weren't for me. I always used Pyramid strings for my original classical guitar, but they are hard to come by. So then I met this guy in Lierop, Holland, who had a little guitar shop in which he sold guitars, strings (also Pyramid, hooray!) and other guitar related stuff. He also made his own instruments, and after some doubts and a lot of soul searching I decided to order a classical guitar.

Hand built? Must have taken a lot of time?

He worked on it for 8 months. I was in the army at that time and not really enjoying myself, so I had this great guitar to look foreward to... I collected the instrument in december 1992, and I have played it regularly ever since.

How does it sound, then?

It has a warm tone and a lot of volume for a nylon string guitar, and it is a beautiful instrument.

It looks kinda traditional

True. It has a very traditional construction, with the exception of the accolade shaped bridge. The top is made of red ceder, and it has the most beautiful back of all my guitars.

How do you use it?

I play a lot of classical music on it, but also some contemporary stuff. Back then I also tried to play music on it that just sounds horrible on nylon strings, but I got a little wiser lately. It's a very personal and intimate guitar, and I love playing it. The guitar lets me weep inside without people seeing it. I guess that's some sort of healing process, and having this guitar to guide me helps a lot