Umbilical Chords





For Quirren Kylian Ferwerda.
Completed september 2001.
Composed, arranged, produced and performed by Gerard Slooven.
Recorded for the CD "12 Significant Others".


This is one of my favourite pieces. I don't know why, it just is... I think the song is very playable, not because it's easy but because somehow it is a very natural piece of music. The title refers to the fact that many chords in this song have one note in common, like a string binding them together. Apart from that, it was written for the firstborn of good friends of mine, so I was thinking about unborn life a lot when I was writing it. Ah well, it worked, I got the piece finished around the time he stepped into this world. And because that little guy got a special name, his song should get one too.


Track length: [05:25].
Instruments: Da Montagne jumbo (lead).
I tried everything with this song: arranging it as a duet, adding rhythm tracks, adding sound effects of a heartbeat, but it all sounded incredibly stupid. It was if the song tried to say: "just leave me alone, accept me for what I am!". So I did, and it was recorded as a solo. Somehow, the images of an unborn child asked for some low guitar notes, so I used my Jumbo guitar in DGCFAD tuning. I wanted some sound effects on the album, and this track was the first choice: the dripping water that you hear is a stereo recording of my shower, slowed down to make it more "ambient".


No stand-in was used for this ultrasound image: this is Quirren himself.