
It's named "Eclecticism" for now, and it's a new ForestSounds CD. And here you can read all about it.

And here it is: all there is to say about the new CD.
Let's start with an important announcement: everything you read here can and probably will change between now and the release date of the CD. So is this section worthless? Well, I think not. In the ForestSounds tradition of sharing as much about our music as possible, I decided to share most of my thought about this new project. I other words, welcome to the windmills of my musical mind.

What's the CD called?

Well currently it's called "Eclecticism" and it is very likely that that will be the final title. Alternative suggestions are welcome of course. Just e-mail a good title, and we'll give it a serious consideration. Maybe you'll even end up in the credits for the album!

What's up with the cover on the right?

This is the first concept of the cover. I quite like it this way, it only needs a little bit of fine-tuning I guess.

When will it be out?

Gee, I don't know. The last one took me a good two years to get finished, and I was a bachelor at that time with lots of lonely evenings to work like a dog on the project. Now I'm married, so time in the studio is a bit limited. But just for fun, let's set a date. Hmmm... let's say it takes a bit more time than the first one. That will set the release date at september 9th, 2009. Are you happy now?

Will it be free?

No. It will be released through CD baby, just like the last one. It will be as cheap as possible though.