
Information on music written in ForestSounds Studio

This section contains information on compositions written in ForestSounds Studio. Most of the material is instrumental acoustic guitar music. By clicking on any link below, you are taken to a page describing that specific piece of music. There, you can find the credits, the story behind the music, and links to printed and recorded versions of that piece.
In a way, this section is the heart of the site: here you will find links to sheet music and mp3 files of all music that was recorded at the studio, and links to CD stores where our CDs are sold. Most, but not all of it, is free. That is because we strongly believe that music is meant to be played and heard by as many people as possible. Viva music!

Change of Heart   
Hangfire Blues   
Insignificant Other   
John Fahey   
Logan's Birth   
Shaggy Dog (part one)   
Tyrannosaurus Ed   
Umbilical Chords   
Wooden Wallpaper