Insignificant Other





For myself.
Completed late 2002.
Composed, arranged, produced and performed by Gerard Slooven.
Recorded for the CD "12 Significant Others".


This piece is about the fact that so many people treat each other like garbage with absolutely no respect for any feelings that others might have. Of all my music, this piece is the only one that thrives on negativity: each time some inconsiderate jerk hurts me in some way I add something to it. No idea what that might indicate...


Track length: [13:22].
Instruments: Da Montagne spanish (improvised themes), Seagull S6+Cedar (fingerpicked themes and structures), Samick Dobro (bass structures and minimal chords), Furch S-21-CR (strummed structures), Furch D-20-CM (fingerpicked structures), Da Montagne 12-string (fingerpicked structures).
The arrangement from hell. I decided it would be cool to end the album with an epic piece with big arrangements. Well, that idea bit me right back in the ass: endless re-recording and re-arranging up to the point where I lost all hope that it would ever sound acceptable. It was a great learning experience, and I'm very happy with the result. The parts where the spanish guitar plays solo are improvised, which was great fun to do, to just sit down behind a mike and play variations on a theme without knowing where it would end. The recording of this song is also my personal tribute to Mike Oldfield and Steve Howe, two of my favourite guitar players. Sorry guys.


Detail of the painting "Silence" by Steve Walker. You can check out his work on his website